Meet Amber: A No Barriers Warrior

Meet Amber: A No Barriers Warrior

Amber Kulesza, No Barriers WarriorWe recently talked with Air Force Veteran, Amber Kulesza, a former crew chief who worked on F-16s and A-10s. Amber participated in our Warriors Program this year, which included spending time at our Mountain Campus in August.

Learn about Amber’s
No Barriers experience:

NB: What inspired you to apply for the No Barriers Warriors Program?

Amber: I almost didn’t apply because I thought I didn’t meet the qualifications. A good friend of mine reminded me not to self-select out. I liked No Barriers because it is different from other programs; it is not just the trip and then it’s over. The experience gave me a wider range of tools. Having Phase 1 [virtual programming] before the trip made me more comfortable to meet people in person.

NB: How has your life been impacted by your No Barriers experience?

Amber: I think it reminds me to challenge myself more to the fact that I can do more than I think I can at times. For example, the big hike that we did…if I were to do that hike by myself I probably would have stopped because my knee was hurting. I’m always trying to calculate how much pain am I going to be in and is it worth it. Having the team made me feel like it was okay to stop and pause. I felt I could take my time and not feel rushed, and that was a big thing and super helpful.

Amber Kulesza, No Barriers Warrior, hikingNB: Has your work with No Barriers helped you overcome challenges?

Amber: I think the physical stuff was definitely the biggest mental hit I took – feeling like I wasn’t strong enough to do the things that I enjoy. It makes me feel isolated and not want to sign up.

By working with No Barriers, I got that reminder to at least have that conversation to try things I want to try and to be more open to ask questions, instead of saying ‘this is going to be too much.’

NB: What is your favorite story to tell about your No Barriers experience?

Amber: I think it was really just such a cool space to be able to come together with people who I felt understood me, and there was no judgment. I could be authentically me and not feel like I had to hold back on what I was thinking or feeling.

NB: Which of the No Barriers 7 Life Elements is particularly powerful for you? Why?

Amber: “Rope Team” [connect with and build a strong community].
I am used to being the one that people rely on. For me it is so helpful to know that I can set that aside and let people know that I am struggling (or having a good day). It is nice to have a community I can lean into, and having that rope team that I can talk to, no matter what I am going through or dealing with (good or bad), and that they will authentically be there.

NB: What key lessons and/or experiences will you take with you, and how do you see yourself applying them to support you in everyday life?

Amber: I think pausing in the lessons I’ve learned and not just going to the next thing (my to-do list). I want to make sure that I am leaning into the tools that I use to build upon and that I can revisit those things when I need to.

The experience that really stood out was the cairn activity – just building it and seeing where it shifts. To know that what I build today might not be my priorities in the future and that’s ok; I can shift without feeling like I failed. I can try things just to try them, without an objective – I can try things for the fun of it!

NB: In your opinion, what is No Barriers’ most important work?

Amber: Allowing veterans to see that they have different choices post-service. They are not defined by what they did or what happened to them.  They have a choice going forward.

One of the things that really stuck out to me was ‘you’re not the things that happened to you; it can be a part of you, but it is not the whole of you – you don’t have to stay stuck there.’

NB: If you were asked by a friend, family member or colleague to share one thing about your experience, what would you say?

Amber: I would probably say that you’ll be more surprised at what you’ll learn about yourself in just 4 days!

Amber K, No Barriers Warrior, lakefront

In addition to practicing living a no barriers life, Amber enjoys scuba diving, legos and traveling.

Thank you, Amber, for sharing your No Barriers experience. We hope you will always remember: what’s within you is stronger than what’s in your way

Want to help other Veterans learn how to live a No Barriers life? You can by donating today.

Learn more about No Barriers Warriors Programs.

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