Breaking Comfort Zones

Breaking Comfort Zones

Breaking Comfort Zones: Ti Trosper’s No Barriers Journey

For Ti Trosper, a Navy Veteran, the decision to participate in a No Barriers program this year was driven by a desire to step outside her comfort zone and try something new.

“I felt this was a controlled and safe environment to try new activities that I thought I previously wouldn’t enjoy,” she explains. “It felt safe.” 

Ti’s willingness to take on the challenge wasn’t without hesitation, especially given that she isn’t exactly an outdoor enthusiast. What she didn’t anticipate was the profound impact the experience would have, not only on her relationship with the outdoors, but also on her perspective of herself and her fellow Veterans.

The No Barriers Warriors Program takes place over three months and introduces participants to the No Barriers 7 Life Elements problem-solving framework, blending interactive online components (Phases 1 and 3) with an impactful outdoor experience set in a wilderness settings (Phase 2). 

Ti and her cohort were part of a Backcountry Expedition, which included five days of trekking in the backcountry of Wyoming. Far off the beaten path, Veterans are challenged to surpass their limits while fostering teamwork. This multi-day immersion experience is unique, demanding, and unifying.

After completing the expedition, Ti confirmed her hypothesis about the outdoors. “I have decided I definitely don’t like camping!”

What Ti didn’t anticipate, however, was what she shares is her greatest takeaway from the experience – a renewed sense of camaraderie.

“I see veterans at work every day but don’t do a lot of Veteran-focused activities and hang outs,” she shared. “I think a lot of us, especially females, have a negative history and get out with hidden disabilities that we don’t want to revisit.” 

Being part of the No Barriers Warriors Program changed this perspective and reminded Ti of the bonds that connect Veterans.

“This trip made me appreciate my time in the service as well as the people I was with,” she continues. “I felt really supported. We had a great togetherness.”

“I really didn’t think I was going to get along with anyone (especially to the depths that I did),” she continues. “I felt like I was the ‘weirdo’ female on the trip, because I never really spend time outside, and a lot of others on the trip love the outdoors. I felt like an outsider leading into it. But when I got there, everyone was really supportive, funny and nice.” 

New Appreciation & Rope Team

The experience helped Ti gain a renewed appreciation of her military service and shifted her mindset about how she relates to other Veterans. It was a profound reminder of the importance of community and perspective.

“It helped me to remember that there are good people –  that not every person in your life is just in the one bucket that we kind of put them in, in our minds. It helped me overcome this fear of being open or friendly, offering warmth or kindness, towards people I don’t know at all.”  

The experience also sparked lasting relationships, and Ti is deeply grateful that the group continues to stay in touch, sending each other cards and texts. 

One of the most powerful aspects of the Warriors experience for Ti was the concept of the Rope Team (one of No Barriers 7 Life Elements). In a Rope Team, individuals work together as a team to help each other through challenges, and Ti found this element especially meaningful. 

 “I think of myself as a competent, resilient individual and have never placed much emphasis on relying on others or asking others for anything,” she reflects. “It was really interesting to come into an environment where I had to ask for help. I feel like I’m more open to reaching out now.”

Reflecting on her time in the backcountry, Ti shares a favorite story:

“We were split into groups on the day of the [mountain] summit. I happened to be one of the people who didn’t summit – my ‘summit’ was coming on this trip! One of the people in the group that did summit was my tent mate – who is a very good friend of mine now. When she came down the mountain, she was excited to tell me about her experience…AND…she was excited to have me tell her about my experience going to the mid-level. It was memorable for me because we were all happy for each other’s moments – genuinely happy to hear about one another’s success.”  

Ti and her tent mate were fondly regarded by team members as ‘always in their tent giggling’. She smiles, recalling a team member saying “the two little magnets are back together – the universe is right again” after all completed their respective summits that day. Indeed, the universe felt right. 

Growth Comes From Discomfort

When Ti talks about her experience, it’s clear that the discomfort of being outside her element was a significant part of her journey.

“I was really super uncomfortable with the idea of being out in the woods,” she admits. “Every step I took was hard. I am a very creature-comfort-driven human. I don’t think there’s been a lot of things that I have cried (or whined) about quite as much as leading up to this trip.”

But, in the end, that discomfort became part of the lesson. Today, Ti celebrates the value that comes from pushing ourselves out of our respective comfort zones. 

“Do hard things. Do things that scare you or make you uncomfortable.” Ti exclaims as she embodies the No Barriers mantra…what’s within you is stronger than what’s in your way

It was her willingness to confront her own discomfort that made this experience so valuable. “This is one of the few experiences in my adult life, since leaving the military, where I’ve faced that level of trepidation and discomfort,” Ti says. “I needed to be a person of my word and follow through with this experience.” 

Finding Community & Belonging

Ti believes the most important work of the No Barriers Warriors Program is in helping Veterans find a sense of community and belonging after they leave the military.

“A lot of people are lacking community and feeling that they are lost after transitioning out,” she observes. “Finding a sense of belonging and engagement is hard, especially as we get older.”  

For Ti, the chance to meet new Veterans and build lasting relationships has been transformative. She has secured a new sense of belonging that she continues to carry with her. 

Moving Forward: Applying Lessons Learned

As Ti moves forward, she plans to carry the lessons from her No Barriers experience into her daily life, especially pushing herself to continue doing things that scare her. She has learned that discomfort can lead to growth.

Ultimately, Ti’s experience with No Barriers has reinforced a fundamental truth: growth happens when we step outside our comfort zones and connect with others in meaningful ways. And for Ti, the bonds she has formed and the lessons she learned about vulnerability, teamwork, and resilience will continue to shape her path forward, as she continues to break barriers!

About. After serving 8 years in the Navy, Ti Trosper completed post-military schooling. Today, she works in the federal government with Veterans Affairs (VA). She is a self-proclaimed “big fan of fitness” and enjoys weight lifting in the gym as well as spending time on the golf course.

If you’re a Veteran—or anyone looking to break through personal barriers—Ti’s story is a powerful reminder that sometimes the greatest rewards come when we dare to face what scares us the most.

Want to help other Veterans with disabilities learn how to live a No Barriers life? Donate today. Donations are being matched through December 31!

Learn more about No Barriers Warriors Program.

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